
So the weather that woke me up this morning was something out of an apocalyptic movie, the following day that is. The terrible winds, the mugginess in the air and the wetness of everything was a memory of yesterday, when my morning eyes opened. Blue skies, very blue, calm, and that smell that puts a spring in your step.

Despite this, last nights sleep was less than re-engergising, sleeping in sweat with the only tool of solace, an airconditioning stick which was waved relentlessly until the missus arms got tired, no spring in my step was added from this absolutely amazing weather

The calmness has now become a problem, as with no wind brings no kind of circulation what so ever. I’ve been b-roasting, body roasting in this oven of a room and it is only until now that the wind has kind of picked up. Time to go out and sit for a while, let my juices settle


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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