and i even had a fella help me evict some crazy angry old dude. it was a pretty cruisy laxed out night which ended with me driving home in the freezing cold.

i fell alseeep in front of scrubs again and awoke a few hours later. there was a dinner organised for sunday night and i was pretty pumped to finally be free of anything, especially worries, as well as catching up with the few whom were awesomely important to me; remember when i said i missed everyone, even after seeing the few on friday, two days before, i still missed them heaps. after lazing around for another 20 or so, evan rang and wished me my first (verbal) unofficial happy b'day (ray sent me the first *unofficial*, sms the night before) but as well as that, he was heading over to trungs for some pong and he wanted to invite the spin master to join him. i agreed and showed up two hours later after having a slight feed and failing to wash my car seeing that cars were lined up double behind carwash spaces.

it was awesome seeing trung and evan and although i had seen them only a week or so back, it felt as if it were years. nick apppeared out of nowhere and the start of our reunion started there. back in the day stories of our high school crushes and funny topics where trung would always answer with references to tits and ass filled the air with warm nostalgic memories which made tears of laughter, the best kind. finally gaining the power to all leave the table of unimaginable attraction, waiting for trung to get ready, evan, myself and nick waited outside counting the number of times the viet fellas across the road would swear in one sentence.

we headed over my place where i had a quick shower and got ready for dinner. ross, tien and cassie rocked up which was awesome and again, the feeling of a lost puppy finding his owner was felt. tien and cassie gave us an awesome card with a mad gorilla on the front of it and a necklace charm which is awesome! i'm wearing it now atm, its to match the gorillaness everyone apparently associates me with. hahaha, we headed over to oiishii...having being 10 minutes late already, finding parking served to make us arrive at quarter to 7. walking into the restaurant, i was shocked to have seen the beautiful janice, sitting in the middle of the table with a big massive smile on her face and surrounding her, people whom i could of only imagined of being there. sitting there on the seat janice had saved me and waiting, the anticipation of who would come and tap me on the shoulder and wish me happy birthday was something i hadn't experienced in a loong long time, too long for me to even remember.

greets were all through tight handshakes followed by hugs which never meant soo much more meaningful. we all sassed massive amounts of sushi which was delicious and i bet the bill of 20 or so of us would of been quite delicious for the owner as well. old old memories were also resurfaced when i opened janices box to find contained a brand new viewmaster and a stack of cartidges. especially after having a good long chat with her a few weeks back of all those memories which made you smile when your a kid, janice's view master will have to go down as one of the best gifts i've ever received. bondy lifted up a massive box from under the table wrapped in pretty paper which worded "just married". destroying the wrapping paper, the words wii followed by guitar hero made me re-check whether i had read correctly. it was a massive pack with twin guitars; i can't wait for all those all nighters were gonna have with the singstar and buzz crew. it was an awesome pressieeeeee.

after everyone refusing to take my share for the feed, we all headed over to pool at sunnypark and futher headed to southbank qpac after finding that pool was full packed with people with no free tables. by now, a good half of the original 20 were left and we kicked rugby and soccer balls around, like the good old days. we were met by grogen later whom was very different from an hour or so before we had all seen him. he somehow managed to grow a beard and get completely smashed, it was actually some drunk redheaded bum who wanted to play ball with us. phuccie legged it first and we followed 20 minutes later and decided to chill over at our kangaroo point spot.

we took a million photos and it is probably about now where i feel most sad. i said to nick just before, that from all thats happened since a year back up until now, it all seems as though it only takes one day, a day like today, to make all those hard days and nights all worth it. being at the happiest point in my life since a long long time back, the saddness arose from the reasons why i was happy. being there, by my side, the best bunch of people i'll ever meet in my life, sharing memories which binds us so close, nothing can be strong enough to break it. saddened by the fact that old memories will never again be relived, and the thought that with every year passing, and every age growing, the inevitable stretching of those bonds will definately start to show, i know although that's the natural bitch of life, nothing much will be different other than the soon to be wrinkles and saggy skin on the exterior.

i'm much grateful for the nz boys' call this morning which gave me much more than a slight skip in my step. i'm grateful for the warmth of that yum cha that filled my stomach for brekky, the company i had just before class started, the care you gave me with that awesome hoodie with just winter around the corner, the messages of b'day greets both through sms's, phonecalls and facebook. i'm grateful for having you find time to travel long and far to give me something which touched my soul. thank you....

thank you is only the least i can say to describe how grateful i am to have you all as friends.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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