day 4

so day 4 has come, in about 9 hours i'll have an exam that i'm gonna probably fail if i don't start cramming as hard as i can for the last few lectures. i reckon i just got the equivalent of about an hours sleep just then. i felt that i needed to have an hours rest so i decided to use it for sleep. my alarm was set for 12:30 and after tossing and turning in the lounge room i found myself relocated to the middle room of the house, our little study room we made. a 20 flew by and i was still unable to find any speck of sleep so i decided to do what i always do in times of sleep searching...turning to an attempt at meditation; people do say that meditation is high up there for methods of relaxation and you only need a few minutes of it as well.

hands flat facing down beside me, i lied on my back and closed my eyes. i concentrated on my toes first and tensed them as hard as i could and relaxed. i moved up until my eyebrows were the only thing left to be tensed and i did it all over again. a sense of total physical calmness was felt to prepare for the unwinding of the mind. i thought of all i could that was bothering me and assessed each situation and in my mind physically set it aside acknowledging that this is a problem in my life though i will deal with it later. after the last problem was acknowledged, i gathered (in my mind it seemed like each problem was represented by a piece of paper) and put them all into a glass vase enclosed by a large cork stopper. i thought of a place i could store the vase, somewhere i would never remember unless i started looking (i guess symbolizing once you prioritize problems, you only find them when you need to deal with them). i felt completely control yet out of control in a rather unconscious state of well being.

it proved good use, i'm back to cramming my lecture on NSAIDS, Antihistamines and Drug Metabolism...wish me luck!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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