day 2 of exam prep

maths was on the agenda today and i've only managed to get through the first lecture before yet again, getting interupted. it was a good interuption though, the sleep served a pretty good 5 hours of rest which i'm really quite unsure how i managed to get. after brushing my teeth for the second time in the day, i continued to work through the dreadful pages of function explanations, limits and continuities which ripped my brain apart with boredom (half the stuff can just be plotted and figured out that way, i don't need the explanations to be honest). hahaha, after a goood shower and a half of tele, i jumped back onto the maths to finish a few questions.

i found myself in the car driving, on my way to sunnybank where i promised to meet up with phuccie and rick for a late night feed over at the sushi train there. it was actually half decent especially since it was 9 but that's probably where the only decent thing in my day began and finished. after having the sniffles for a few hours before, it seemed as though my slight interaction with the outside world has given me the curse of the sneezing plague where i continuously sneezed from outside market square to probably about a few minutes back (i've found that not breathing helps). hopefully the shot of codeine, paracetomol and pseudoephidrine (my pharmacy peers can feel proud for picking out the spelling mistakes) will help rid me of this unbearable pain (slight annoyance).

in getting sick of maths, i've decided to concentrate on studying my pharmacology which has proved to settle my flu to a slight sneeze every few minutes, maybe it's the thought of pharmacology that calms me, maybe a new remedy?

coming to conclusion, i believe that as my symptoms for the flu have resided due to an increase in interaction between student (myself) and pharmocology notes, the use of pharmocology notes can be used to treat symptoms of flu caused by flu symptom stimuli such as maths and the stress brought upon by the inability to study during the semester resulting in cramming of notes a few days before exams.

i think my drugs are talking.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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