look into my eyes

day 3 of my mid semester cram today and i'm able to cross off maths for ever! i reckon that although last nights cram did serve good purpose, the cheat sheet i created would of even allowed a primary school student to pass. i feel bad now but that's one thing over and done with especially when most of my worries stemed from maths. that's definately one lesson i learnt, don't be complacent ay, i remember my environmental studies lecturer always telling us that. i was depending way too much on previous studies ay. in the end i guess you get what you deserve ay, nothing less and certainly nothing more.

my little sleep i had after the exam made me feel a little groggy especially after the massive meal i had before it. i'm definately gonna try and calm down on the caffeine and eat a bit more reguarly though ay, i feel a slight uncomfortablness in my gut, hopefully i haven't developed some mild stomach ulcer. pharmacology will be top priority today even though it's only 20% compared to physiology. there's just so much to learn for pharm ay, and knowing from the past quizzes, the marks aren't too easy to come by either.

i saw justine today. it was the first ever time i had seen her coming from uni on the goodwill. as a matter of fact, it was probably the first ever time i had seen her at uni. had a little chat there on the middle of the bridge where we both complained about how much uni sucks while dodging bikes as they were hoooning past us (told ya we should of kept to the left). seeing her actually made me miss everyone. locked away in this cave of mine, the only real contact i've made with anyone would of been seeing phuccie and rick for that minute half or so hours. without myspace and my phone, i would of probably been rumoured rotting somewhere in a lake, but even with it, i'm limited to only the few who use that type of communication anyway; janice, tn, cassie. hahaha. but sometimes i like it, especially when you so reguarly see a person and you start to lose the effort in keeping in contact with them. its good to get that message or phone call from someone you haven't talked to in ages and i reckon the sender feels just as happy.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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