Shitting bricks

so a few hours later, i sit warm and snuggled in the lounge room with a hot cup of milo in my hands. i'm watching futurama now and it seems like both the cold and flu tablets and the thailand red bull i had prior, have pretty much metabolised and are preparing for excretion. the bodies slowly losing it's battle against gravity and the mind wanders much but mostly between whether i'll be able to survive another few days of this or if i fail anything this week i'm stuffed.

i think sleep is probably what i'll do next though only probably after a half or so of more mind wandering, some of which i'll be able to express through this post. i always try to do that though. after a long nights study, its always good to end your night by doing something absolutely non releated to what you had learnt. as well as letting you de-stress a little and keep your mind sharp (i reckon i'ld go more crazy if equations and drug symptoms where going through my mind 24/7) it helps you relax i guess, well i read it somewhere on a forum about sleep.

man, have i gotten that crazy. crazy enough to do an internet search on how to get better sleep. sometimes i really wonder ay, about everything ay. i remember someone telling that the difference between an insane person and a sane person is that they dont' question whether or not they insane. i really hope that's true ay and not the other way around cause i always think i'im going a little loopy. waking life is probably one of my favourite movies and it scares the shit out of me every night i go for those long drives. i've posted before somewhere about being alive when asleep and to comfort myself by making sure i'm alive, i check a clock and make sure it changes. i think just that gives me 'some' reason to think that i've lost it a bit but maybe everyones a little bit like that.

whoa, i really do apoligize for where this rant ended up, i guess when your mind wanders, you really can lose yourself in your thoughts. i'll keep this post to compare myself after the holidays, hopefully my posts don't resemble anything like this one or else i'll definately know that i'm going crazy.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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