take you thereeeee

waking up just an hour or so back, i've realized that it's that time of the year again where people hide away in their little caves and cram for those finals, wait a minute....

if my mind isn't play tricks on me, to my calculations, it's only probably about april? man, i'm absolutely going crazy with these exams ay, and i don't reckon i'm alone. this 2nd/ 3rrd year of uni definately linearly correlates with stress and difficultly levels ay. i just can't wait till this weeks over so i can go and fish my brains out. i've taken work for both jobs off this week (i'm not quite sure how i'm gonna survive in a few weeks though because of the drop income) but i'm not gonna waste another year with a possiblity of failure in some homogay subject i could of passed if it weren't for work. no chances taken this year ay.

on another thought though, i think the pass happenings at work probably gives me much reason to take a break anyway. none the less, it's in the past, and i guess you ought to expect something of such a degree in this type of industry anyway, don't ya? but it does make you think when high testosterone ridden males have a need to express their egotistical selves to people they think that care in the form of violence which, other than abling to show it in some kind of heroic way, needs a dozen or so more testosterone filled males to "assist" in a cowardly attack on other males of similar feats. You see, the positive feedback loop begins and this my friend, will be hard to stop.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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