
for some weird instant i somehow became obsessed with balloons. the kid inside me wants to hold onto the balloon but the adult i'm slowly turning into wants me to let it go. why i have this thought, i really don't know, let me just show you how i feel with a few pieces from deviantart.

balloons by ~rumpelwicht

mary poppins by ~super-glue

balloon6 by ~otrebla

the last photo hasn't really got anything to do with what i said above i just think its real mean. like how there have been many times where i would of loved for the other person opposite me to turn into a balloon. gently floating in the air, swaying from side to side, carefree. i guess if you were a balloon you would have no choice which i guess could be another interpretation of balloon6. maybe i guess another way to see this photo would be that it'd suck if you were a balloon. you are meant to float and fly and be free from dirty hands or the object in which your tied too. i guess like another member at da described, even though it's still a balloon, it seems as though it's distracted. it's as if it wants to get away from the situation and be set free. haha, maybe it does have something to do with what i said before.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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