some "unexpected things"

i guess some wishes do come true. i remember posting a couple of days back saying that life is good although i need some randomness; something unexpected. a few things which i'ld consisder unexpected to me which has happened in the past few days:

1. getting caught speeding (not proud of).
2. receiving an interstate phonecall from a good mate (thanks justine, made my day).
3. some girl coming up to me and telling me i smell good.
4. seeing an old friend from sunnybank high (real random, she knew my name and i guessed hers and we talked for ages).
5. some person telling me that i'm a pacifist.
6. a designated driver telling me to carry her to her car...(which was strange).

just some random unexpected quotes:

Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains.
Diane Ackerman

Some people are still unaware that reality contains unparalleled beauties. The fantastic and unexpected, the ever-changing and renewing is nowhere so exemplified as in real life itself.
Berenice Abbott

One should expect that the expected can be prevented, but the unexpected should have been expected.
Norman Ralph Augustine

poor poor dog, great micheal sowa painting.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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