
farout, it’s been ten days since I last had internet. Lets just recap.

Nothing much has really happened, i’ve only remembered a few days:

Lams b’day down at the coast
Getting my car nearly fixed
Going fishing with Paul, Phuc and Ross down at Coolangatta
Joining fitness first.
Christmas shopping out at Chermside
Going dinner at Tiens and cruising

Lams’ b’day down at the coast.
It was our goal for the night we stayed down at the condor apartments to finish a 3 litre bottle of tequila. Probably among one of the most stupid things we’ve ever attempted. I fell asleep at around 7:30 after trying to keep up with Phuc, taking shots in 3’s. Woke up at around 11 when Ross came by and I stayed back with Kerwin in the apartment while the others went out clubbing. We cleaned all the little bits of peanuts and junk all over the floor and had a good catch up talk, most of it consisting of funny random shit that pop into our minds. Fell asleep after the guys turned up back home, woke up, swam, went home and slept some more.

Getting my car nearly fixed.
I’m finally getting my car fixed. It’s all nearly done ay, overall I reckon I’ll spend about 2 and a half, not happy but just finally got some stuff off my chest at least. It took about 6 – 8 hours for my mechanic to take the engine off. He said it’s probably one of the hardest cars he’s ever worked on. I guess it is pretty damn cramped in there. After getting the heads off, we saw the burnt up, lifted gaskets which was the result of my cylinder valve problems. After taking the heads to be compression tested, radiator to be cleaned out and ordering, purchasing and receiving of parts, it was time to put everything back together. One more day till it can be finally over and done with and I can drive my little maroon beast around once again.

Going fishing with Paul, Phuc and Ross down at Coolangatta

Yeah this was a pretty mean night. We decided we’d go fishing sometime around about 2 or 3 in the arvo and Paullie was keen on driving down. Ross picked me up after getting his new shiny red celica and we decided to drive round to Paullies place to show off Ross’ new ride. Just as we pulled up at Pauls’ driveway, out comes Paul who jumps into Tins brand new s15. Damn, that’s one hot car ay. The boys did what boys did and raced to see who had the quicker car. Knowing that s15’s run stock sr20det motors along with it being probably about 80 kilo’s lighter with Paul and Tin in it, you’d prolly already know who won. We went woolies shopping afterwards to grab some snacks for fishing. You can never have too many snacks for a fishing trip. Picked up Phuccie later on and we were good. I drove down in Paullies astina which is heaps of fun. Getting down to Tweeds we drove around for another hour or so trying to figure out our “secret spot”. We never found it and just decided to fish under some big ass bridge. Biggest catch was Phuccies massive puffer fish which inflated to be the size of a bloody basketball which also pissed on me. Other than that, little bream and what seemed to be, actually to be truthful I wasn’t quite sure, we just caught heaps of them and they looked edible so we took them. A few hours of that, and getting real restless and hungry, it was time to find a place to sit down and cook what we had. Paullie was there so the food he made from pretty much a few packets of noodles, some eggs, prawn bait and a bream was delicious. Phuccie and I slept all the way home while Paullie drove. I think Paullie fell asleep a few times as well.

Joining fitness first
I received a call 10 o’clock some morning telling me that Timmy referred me to fitness first down at Mt Gravatt. Thought I would see how it was so agreed to come and visit after about a half hours talking to one of the fitness first personal trainers. The place is great, heaps of equipment, heaps of facilities (they have a bloody aromatherapy room as well as free body gel when you have a shower) and it’s just a real nice, clean, modern place to work out. I joined and will get bigger (I’m obliged to pay 80 bucks a month whether or not I train). Talk to you more about my progress later.

Christmas shopping out at Chermside.
Yeah this night was pretty cool. I remember my stress levels rising heaps around this day though ay; taking in more problems than I could handle. I think I’ve got to really fix that up in my life ay. To me, it seems when something bad happens, I let all the other bad things build up before I start to sort them all out at once. Too impatient I must say. After having a good talk to Evo , Donald, Lam and Eddy I was back to normal and ready to let everything go for a few hours. We drove over to Chermside and met up with everyone else and had a ball ay. The atmosphere was great, just the rush everyone had to complete their Christmas shopping lists and just how there were so many people pushing and shoving their way through massive crowds. After finishing my shopping, (I thought I would just forget about my money problems for Christmas, knowing that Christmas only comes around once a year) and had a good catch up chat to those who weren’t shopping for their own gifts. I only really remember one thing after the long night. I’m broke but I have presents.

Going dinner at Tiens and cruising
I received an sms from Ross about two hours before he wanted to go eat for Christmas at Tiens. Him and Jimmy were over my place within probably a half an hour after that and we went to wash our cars. After a good 8 bucks at superwash, headed around and picked up Bond and Justine and we were off to Tiens. His restaurant is real nice ay. It’s real trendy stuff ay; got some inspiration for my own place. His menu isn’t too shabby either, offering kangaroo and crocodile though he didn’t recommend the croc. We got mates rates 40 percent off and sat round waiting for Tien to finish. We all then went for a “Ross” cruise cause he wanted to test out his car. It was pretty mean, we drove in a block of a yellow, blue, green and red car. It was pretty much our typical cruise, driving up to mount cootha and then standing around wondering where the hell to go next. Evan and Trung joined us later and we decided to go and grab some more food to eat. Went by Milton Maccas but it made our history books when we saw it the first time ever closed. Decided we would go and place some soccer so Justine dropped by work and took a lost property plastic ball for us, I dropped off Justine and we were kicking a red plastic ball around down under the bridge at kangaroo point. Tien brought out a slingshot from his car and his mate Tommy brought out sparklers. We ended up just shooting each other (Me shooting everyone else) with the slingshot and throwing lit sparklers at each other. Went over to sunnybank afterwards and bought 8 dollar 3 month old sandwiches at 711. Did pretty much the same thing as up at Mt Cootha and after probably 2 hours, we decided to go home. Was a good night, haven’t done anything like that in ages.

Kerwin plays Dota, Kerwin is nerd.

I hate leaving problems to sort themselves out.

Just give it time…. I don’t have any time.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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