
yep, i don't think i'll ever beat how lazy and bored i was today. i could of been out there earning some dosh but after a night like last night, moving wasn't really one of my main priorities ay.

i slept so much today ay, i'm really not sure how though ay. i'm pretty decent at about 7 hours every night but am still tired after about 16 today.

got some news on my car today. looks like i'm going to be ripping my stock kl03/klde engine out and swapping it with a klze. thought well, after the mechanic told me it's going to cost about the same to throw an engine in than fix the bloody valves, i might as well just get the engine ay. it packs an extra 70 or so more horsepower and is made in japan so i might as well anyways then ay.

hey have stopped worrying about the things i can't do anything about anymore. hahaha i bet it's time i stopped whinging and complaining about everything as well. the car can be fixed and money can be made. the pear shape of everything is slowly reshaping. was stoked as when ross and i got an extra shift this week, so i guess an extra hundred or so bucks a week takes a bit of stress away from nearly due monies as well as christmas time nearing.

we ordered pizza today (so much for the getting back into routine thing), and yeah, i think i'm going to stick to what donald told me the other night. having too much of something you really love causes you to slowly stop appreciating why it was so good in the first place. pizza was yuck even though i was hungry as. it just didn't taste the same; i already had pizza three times this week and had had enough to eat. why is it that sharing something or not having enough of something makes you enjoy and cherish it more? i remember fighting over the last piece of pizza over at rickys the other night with about 7 other guys. every bite was simple heaven.

i'm halfway through looking for alibrandi. i'm not sure if i mentioned that i was reading it again. if not, well...i am? yeah, it's still a good read the second time through. i know, i'm not much of a reader or a bright guy who understands and goes hard on english literature but 'looking for alibrandi' has things i can relate to ay. yes, it's through the eyes of an italian sicilian attractive girl and i'm a vietnamese fat guy but just the little things like problems with family, money and friends helps me reflect on how i can make all those problems a bit better in my life.

something real mean i got from reading the book, i think it was at the end of chapter 12, 'is good enough really good enough?' just posing a question, i'm still to think more about it.

anyways, i think i can cross out another goal today. i'm not quite sure if it's on the list but i lost track of the day today. i'm not usually ever like that, i'm always up to date with most stuff due to tv and always checking my phone for the date and stuff but today, i think it was because i slept too much and it stuffed up my head. i really thought it was thursday today ay. yeah yeah, nufin special but i was real relieved as when i found out that i didn't need to work tomorrow. just something i wanted to share.

'howdie dudie, how's your nudie?'


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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