
yes, as i was saying before my random outburst, i guess yes, i was over-reacting just a little; one thing lead to another and feelings held in and let go at the wrong time. it isn't really as bad as i put it out to be. i guess there is always someone who will listen even if it has to be the man upstairs; he always listens. after my shift yesterday, i've realised that even drunk people will listen to you. maybe drunk people are just better listeners ay, i guess in some way, alcohol does curtain the way you originally feel so maybe they need someone to listen to as well.

hahaha maybe not ay. i'm not quite sure of where i was going with this post cause it's taken me about 3 days to get to here. i think one of my main thoughts i wanted to share at the start of my post was how it just seemed like alot of things fade in the end whether it be good or bad. i think the thing that made me think that was the song shimmer by fuel. listened to it on my shift out at the back gate the other night and just the way the two guitarist performed it made me really listen out to what they were saying ay.

"We're here and now, will we ever be again 'Cause I have found All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade Away again"

maybe a few days back when i was feeling a bit down i probably would of definately agreed with the lyrics, but now, i'm not quite sure. there we go, the emotion of the moment talking again, the technique of thinking of a problem 6 months down the track thing really does work ay. i reckon now that it's safe that my mind isn't caught up with too much, i can really question whether or not these words really mean anything. to an extent, i guess everything fades. life at the moment seems to be fading a little bit but i know for sure that when that good day comes, things will start to glow again. maybe i should just take the lyrics as describing the many ups and downs of life and to never lose hope because the thing that had faded was once before shimmering. no-one remembers the emploded star, only the brightness of it before. hahaha....maybe....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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