Take Action Today

Around forty million people are living with HIV throughout the world - and that number increases in every region every day. In the UK alone, more than 60,000 people are living with HIV and more than 7,000 more are diagnosed every year. Ignorance and prejudice are fuelling the spread of a preventable disease.

World AIDS Day, 1 December is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV and AIDS. This year, it's up to you, me and us to stop the spread of HIV and end prejudice.


yes, i know, i'm a day late but didn't get to post till late this morning because of work. yeah, aids is a huge thing ay. truthfully, i've had no experience nor have i known anyone who has had aids but i've read about it and know that it sucks. from young kids who have to live with aids due to their circumstances to adults who have contracted it from unsafe sexual practices, we must come together and hold our hands out for those who need our help. we must educate the world on aids to prevent more cases and help assist for research to find a cure.

stand up because you can. we can make a difference.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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