
so a new week has begun ay. starting my first shift for this week in a few hours. it hardly feels as bad as people put it out to be ay, "yay *sarcasticly* another week of hard work before the next weekend". I guess worked really did seem like that back at the flower market days with 4:30 starts on a monday morning but i'm really starting to enjoy security ay. well they always do say that work you enjoy isn't really work. other than that, everything else doesn't seem too 100 percent ish.

when i look back and compare my life now with life a few years back, i reckon the old fat would come up to me and ask "what up wif you?". i try not to believe that older people are right when they say enjoy it while your young because when you get older all your going to do is work; become part of the ultimate rat race. i just can't help it ay. i mean, yeah of course everyone has to work hard to live a comfortable life but there just seems to be so much missing at the moment. there seems to be no-one to talk to, no-one who will listen, no-one who can give any advice which will make a difference.....SHIT I'VE GOTTA GET READY FOR WORK AY. HAHAHA. TBC


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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