
yep, drinking doesn't solve jack. hahaha, my head still hurts and i can feel my brain rip away from my skull. i think i need to keep more hydrated next time i drink, if i ever drink again. hope lam had a real mean b'day. we drank way too much random stuff ay, mixing spirits and beers; farout, jim beam and cola tastes yuck ay.

i'm hungover like hell and still worried about all that's happened and still to happen. my cars' dead, i'm working 2 days a week and in a couple of weeks, money is gonna be a very important topic around the house. why is it that money can take control of so many things. i really don't care too much, i mean, i think it's time i start looking for more work anyway but just so cut on how it makes people change.

it seems as though those who have it, can't live without it and those who don't have it will complain that they have none of it. ohhh, maybe the hangover is just making me grumpy and the junk i've been eatting the past couple of days is trying to fight it's way back into my regular routine again. i aint gonna let it happen ay. hahaha, no more break days, no more treats, getting down to business, and i know it's always harder to walk the walk than talk the talk but i guess we'll just see after some time ay.

more work and no play make ly go something something.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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